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A new mission in Australia to extend the ABTS system features.

Writer's picture: Editorial staffEditorial staff

Updated: Mar 30, 2020

Earlier this month, in a two weeks’operation in South Australia, our engineers successfully implemented and tested the new capabilities and functions for the ABTS (Automatic Ballistic Tracking System) that currently operates in Port Wakefield.

The upgrade and test activities concerned graphical, operative and tactical improvements of the MMP – Mission Management Platform, the software developed by Nurjana Technologies, which manages the system and test missions. The system has been tested on various types of ballistic launches with illuminating candles projectiles and airburst projectiles.

Sensors FOV graphical representation

It allows the operator to set for each EOS sensor up to two field of views (FOVs), in order to represent them graphically on the tactical map. The added value is that the MSCCS operator will be able to see if the target is in the field of view of the sensor, thus being immediately able to evaluate if the optical sensor is in the position of acquiring the target and providing useful indications for the mission management.

Satellite maps added to the tactical map

This new functionality will allow the operator to load another format of maps: the GeoTIFF. This format, usually used for satellite maps, is a georeferenced .tiff image that contains metadata such as its projection, its coordinate system and its boundaries. The MSCCS-ABTS operator does not need to learn all the technical details underlying the new feature; he will simply load a .tiff file the same way as currently loads .shp files. The system will process on its own the .tiff file, will read all its metadata and, when added to the current scenario, will add the map to the tactical screen.

Scenario boundaries configuration

This functionality allows the operator to lock the center of the tactical map to specific boundaries for specific purposes and enhanced control on the map. The added value is that the MSCCS operator will always have displayed the region of interest, without the risk of moving to other areas, then struggling to find back out the initial region. On the Main tab of the Scenario Configuration window, it will be possible to configure minimum and maximum coordinates, drawing a rectangular region.

Advanced recording options

This new functionality allows to start automatically the real-time mission data recording when the T0 event occurs and to stop it automatically when the mission end event occurs. The added value is that the MSCCS operator will not need to start and stop the recording in advance, thus wasting recording resources, as well as to take care of the recording itself.

SDS trigger warning

The current version of the MSCCS-BTS provides the operator with the functionality for pushing, during the real-time mission, the «SDS Trigger» button to send the registration trigger to SDSs. The new functionality includes a graphical warning for the «SDS Trigger», in order to warn the operator when it is right time to send the trigger. The time at which raise the warning will be calculated using the time of impact point evaluation algorithm (already implemented in the system). The added value is that the MSCCS operator will be assisted in sending the trigger to the SDS, with an overall improvement of the splash detection function and of the system integration and automation.

Playback bookmarks

This functionality allows the operator to add one or more bookmarks to a recorded mission in the Playback system mode. The operator shall be able to select an instant in which a particular event is occurred and associate it to a significant name, creating a bookmark. A list of bookmarks will be showed into the Command Panel such that when the operator clicks on a single bookmark, the recorded mission will go to the time instant associated. The operator will be able to save the bookmarks for each recorded mission. The added value is that the MSCCS operator, together with mission analysts and experts, will be able to add annotations while reviewing the missions, as it would on the print-outs or on a document. This is of particular significance after the mission, when many additional details and context information are still available and clear for all the people involved.


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