In my town there are many talented people, but we are an Island. Big companies employs these people and after a few years they usually propose to transfer them to other locations. The result is that the employee either accepts the transfer or remains in the Island without any prospect of advancement or satisfaction.
So, for this reason I decided to realize my dream of starting my own company on the Island. I try to use my experience, connections and my established network to offer the possibility for talented young local people to work in a job which is challenging and creative, keeping their roots at home.
We started with a team of 3 people, two young electronic engineers who had recently graduated with master degrees from the local university in Sardinia. But also with on the job training abroad and myself. Basically in four years we have grown to a team of almost 20.
One strategy in starting a business is to identify the market leader and adopt every possible method to becoming the leader yourself. For my small company there is no choice: we focused on one part of the market in which we must be the leader.
To maintain my vision we have adopted a management style of “smile power”, our people management style is to find the talent of people who are happy in their work and are therefore motivated to stay, Thinking higher.
Does this work? The acid test is that at the end of the day I have to tell them to go home!
Pietro Andronico
Chief Executive Officer
Meet the Team

Pietro Andronico
Chief Executive Officer

Maurizio Cao
Chief Technical Officer

Michela Musa
Chief Program Officer

Alessandro Andronico
Operations Manager

Grazia Fadda
Quality Control
and Processes Optimization

Daniele Sirigu
Software Engineer

Alessandro Masala
Systems Engineer

Alessandro Palmas
Aerospace Engineering
R&D Specialist

Enrico Congiu
Aerospace R&D Engineer

Raffaele Bua
Software Engineer

Luca Demurtas
Systems Engineer

Andrea Caoli
R&D Engineer

Michele Spanu
R&D Engineer

Alessio Piras
Software Engineer