The project “Aeromobili a pilotaggio remoto Intelligente” developed by Nurjana Technologies together with UniCA– DIEE, deals with the study and implementation of artificial intelligence algorithms for the management of a swarm of unmanned aircrafts devoted to environmental monitoring.

The core of the project is the development of a multi-sensor platform, with innovative sensors features, performing data integration and data fusion (sensor fusion) interfaced with a central system (ground station) and guided by artificial intelligence that significantly improve mission planning and mission management.
In particular, UniCA– DIEE is responsible for the development of an innovative passive microwave sensor (Radiometer) and the implementation of Deep Learning image classification algorithms on board of each UAV, to perform local, autonomous, image processing operations, removing the need for intense data communication with the central ground station.
Nurjana Technologies is in charge of the study and development of an autonomous guidance and navigation system for the swarm of UAV, based on Reinforced Learning technique. The autonomous agent is trained using both real and simulated scenarios and is able to learn an optimal strategy based on received and sensed inputs, providing a dynamic response and adaptivity to the mission in real time.
The main expected result is the development of a technology demonstrator which prove the possibility to develop and intelligent autonomous navigation agent for swarms of UAV, and to integrate innovative sensing features and low-power on-board data processing that cooperate in real-time.
